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synced 2024-11-16 11:42:45 +08:00
## 服务器列表 - 重制了之前的加入服务器与保存密码的页面,以及功能 - 密码在本地以明文保存 - 根据游戏目录中的server-list.json读取公共服务器列表,还没做自动更新 - 可能有不少bug
220 lines
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220 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
var generalsOverviewPage, cardsOverviewPage;
var clientPageCreated = false;
function createClientPages() {
if (!clientPageCreated) {
clientPageCreated = true;
generalsOverviewPage = generalsOverview.createObject(mainWindow);
cardsOverviewPage = cardsOverview.createObject(mainWindow);
mainWindow.generalsOverviewPage = generalsOverviewPage;
mainWindow.cardsOverviewPage = cardsOverviewPage;
var callbacks = {};
let sheduled_download = "";
callbacks["ServerDetected"] = (j) => {
const serverDialog = mainStack.currentItem.serverDialog;
if (!serverDialog) {
const item = serverDialog.item;
if (item) {
// toast.show(qsTr("Detected Server %1").arg(j.slice(7)), 10000);
callbacks["GetServerDetail"] = (j) => {
const [ver, icon, desc, capacity, count, addr] = JSON.parse(j);
const serverDialog = mainStack.currentItem.serverDialog;
if (!serverDialog) {
const item = serverDialog.item;
if (item) {
let [_addr, port] = addr.split(',');
port = parseInt(port);
item.updateServerDetail(_addr, port, [ver, icon, desc, capacity, count]);
callbacks["NetworkDelayTest"] = (jsonData) => {
// jsonData: RSA pub key
let cipherText;
let aeskey;
// const savedPw = config.savedPassword[config.serverAddr];
// if (savedPw?.shorten_password === config.password) {
// cipherText = config.savedPassword[config.serverAddr].password;
// aeskey = config.savedPassword[config.serverAddr].key;
// config.aeskey = aeskey ?? "";
// Backend.setAESKey(aeskey);
// if (Debugging)
// console.log("use remembered password", config.password);
// } else {
cipherText = Backend.pubEncrypt(jsonData, config.password);
config.aeskey = Backend.getAESKey();
// }
config.cipherText = cipherText;
Backend.replyDelayTest(config.screenName, cipherText);
callbacks["ErrorMsg"] = (jsonData) => {
let log;
try {
const a = JSON.parse(jsonData);
log = qsTr(a[0]).arg(a[1]);
} catch (e) {
log = qsTr(jsonData);
console.log("ERROR: " + log);
toast.show(log, 5000);
mainWindow.busy = false;
if (sheduled_download !== "") {
mainWindow.busy = true;
Pacman.loadSummary(JSON.stringify(sheduled_download), true);
sheduled_download = "";
callbacks["ErrorDlg"] = (jsonData) => {
let log;
try {
const a = JSON.parse(jsonData);
log = qsTr(a[0]).arg(a[1]);
} catch (e) {
log = qsTr(jsonData);
console.log("ERROR: " + log);
Backend.showDialog("warning", log, jsonData);
mainWindow.busy = false;
if (sheduled_download !== "") {
mainWindow.busy = true;
Pacman.loadSummary(JSON.stringify(sheduled_download), true);
sheduled_download = "";
callbacks["UpdatePackage"] = (jsonData) => sheduled_download = jsonData;
callbacks["UpdateBusyText"] = (jsonData) => {
mainWindow.busyText = jsonData;
callbacks["DownloadComplete"] = () => {
mainWindow.busy = false;
mainStack.currentItem.downloadComplete(); // should be pacman page
callbacks["BackToStart"] = (jsonData) => {
while (mainStack.depth > 1) {
callbacks["SetServerSettings"] = (data) => {
const [ motd, hiddenPacks, enableBots ] = data;
config.serverMotd = motd;
config.serverHiddenPacks = hiddenPacks;
config.serverEnableBot = enableBots;
callbacks["EnterLobby"] = (jsonData) => {
// depth == 1 means the lobby page is not present in mainStack
// createClientPages();
if (mainStack.depth === 1) {
// we enter the lobby successfully, so save password now.
config.lastLoginServer = config.serverAddr;
// config.savedPassword[config.serverAddr] = {
// username: config.screenName,
// password: config.cipherText,
// key: config.aeskey,
// shorten_password: config.cipherText.slice(0, 8)
// }
} else {
mainWindow.busy = false;
ClientInstance.notifyServer("RefreshRoomList", "");
callbacks["EnterRoom"] = (data) => {
// jsonData: int capacity, int timeout
config.roomCapacity = data[0];
config.roomTimeout = data[1] - 1;
const roomSettings = data[2];
config.enableFreeAssign = roomSettings.enableFreeAssign;
config.heg = roomSettings.gameMode.includes('heg_mode');
mainWindow.busy = false;
callbacks["UpdateRoomList"] = (data) => {
const current = mainStack.currentItem; // should be lobby
if (mainStack.depth === 2) {
data.forEach(room => {
const [roomId, roomName, gameMode, playerNum, capacity, hasPassword,
outdated] = room;
roomId, roomName, gameMode, playerNum, capacity,
hasPassword, outdated,
callbacks["UpdatePlayerNum"] = (data) => {
const current = mainStack.currentItem; // should be lobby
if (mainStack.depth === 2) {
const l = data[0];
const s = data[1];
current.lobbyPlayerNum = l;
current.serverPlayerNum = s;
callbacks["Chat"] = (data) => {
// jsonData: { string userName, string general, string time, string msg }
const current = mainStack.currentItem; // lobby or room
const pid = data.sender;
const userName = data.userName;
const general = luatr(data.general);
const time = data.time;
const msg = data.msg;
if (config.blockedUsers.indexOf(userName) !== -1) {
let text;
if (general === "")
text = `<font color="#3598E8">[${time}] ${userName}:</font> ${msg}`;
text = `<font color="#3598E8">[${time}] ${userName}` +
`(${general}):</font> ${msg}`;
current.addToChat(pid, data, text);
callbacks["ServerMessage"] = (jsonData) => {
const current = mainStack.currentItem; // lobby or room
current.sendDanmaku('<font color="grey"><b>[Server] </b></font>' + jsonData);
callbacks["ShowToast"] = (j) => toast.show(j);
callbacks["InstallKey"] = (j) => Backend.installAESKey();
callbacks["AddTotalGameTime"] = (jsonData) => {