Gergő Móricz 8d467c8ca7
WebScraper refactor into scrapeURL (#714)
* feat: use strictNullChecking

* feat: switch logger to Winston

* feat(scrapeURL): first batch

* fix(scrapeURL): error swallow

* fix(scrapeURL): add timeout to EngineResultsTracker

* fix(scrapeURL): report unexpected error to sentry

* chore: remove unused modules

* feat(transfomers/coerce): warn when a format's response is missing

* feat(scrapeURL): feature flag priorities, engine quality sorting, PDF and DOCX support

* (add note)

* feat(scrapeURL): wip readme

* feat(scrapeURL): LLM extract

* feat(scrapeURL): better warnings

* fix(scrapeURL/engines/fire-engine;playwright): fix screenshot

* feat(scrapeURL): add forceEngine internal option

* feat(scrapeURL/engines): scrapingbee

* feat(scrapeURL/transformars): uploadScreenshot

* feat(scrapeURL): more intense tests

* bunch of stuff

* get rid of WebScraper (mostly)

* adapt batch scrape

* add staging deploy workflow

* fix yaml

* fix logger issues

* fix v1 test schema

* feat(scrapeURL/fire-engine/chrome-cdp): remove wait inserts on actions

* scrapeURL: v0 backwards compat

* logger fixes

* feat(scrapeurl): v0 returnOnlyUrls support

* fix(scrapeURL/v0): URL leniency

* fix(batch-scrape): ts non-nullable

* fix(scrapeURL/fire-engine/chromecdp): fix wait action

* fix(logger): remove error debug key

* feat(requests.http): use dotenv expression

* fix(scrapeURL/extractMetadata): extract custom metadata

* fix crawl option conversion

* feat(scrapeURL): Add retry logic to robustFetch

* fix(scrapeURL): crawl stuff

* fix(scrapeURL): LLM extract

* fix(scrapeURL/v0): search fix

* fix(tests/v0): grant larger response size to v0 crawl status

* feat(scrapeURL): basic fetch engine

* feat(scrapeURL): playwright engine

* feat(scrapeURL): add url-specific parameters

* Update readme and examples

* added e2e tests for most parameters. Still a few actions, location and iframes to be done.

* fixed type

* Nick:

* Update scrape.ts

* Update index.ts

* added actions and base64 check

* Nick: skipTls feature flag?

* 403

* todo

* todo

* fixes

* yeet headers from url specific params

* add warning when final engine has feature deficit

* expose engine results tracker for ScrapeEvents implementation

* ingest scrape events

* fixed some tests

* comment

* Update index.test.ts

* fixed rawHtml

* Update index.test.ts

* update comments

* move geolocation to global f-e option, fix removeBase64Images

* Nick:

* trim url-specific params

* Update index.ts


Co-authored-by: Eric Ciarla <>
Co-authored-by: rafaelmmiller <>
Co-authored-by: Nicolas <>
2024-11-07 20:57:33 +01:00

134 lines
4.7 KiB

"name": "firecrawl-scraper-js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"start": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/index.ts",
"start:production": "tsc && node dist/src/index.js",
"format": "prettier --write \"src/**/*.(js|ts)\"",
"flyio": "node dist/src/index.js",
"start:dev": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/index.ts",
"build": "tsc && pnpm sentry:sourcemaps",
"build:nosentry": "tsc",
"test": "npx jest --detectOpenHandles --forceExit --openHandlesTimeout=120000 --watchAll=false --testPathIgnorePatterns='src/__tests__/e2e_noAuth/*'",
"test:local-no-auth": "npx jest --detectOpenHandles --forceExit --openHandlesTimeout=120000 --watchAll=false --testPathIgnorePatterns='src/__tests__/e2e_withAuth/*'",
"test:full": "npx jest --detectOpenHandles --forceExit --openHandlesTimeout=120000 --watchAll=false --testPathIgnorePatterns='(src/__tests__/e2e_noAuth|src/__tests__/e2e_withAuth)'",
"test:prod": "npx jest --detectOpenHandles --forceExit --openHandlesTimeout=120000 --watchAll=false --testPathIgnorePatterns='(src/__tests__/e2e_noAuth|src/__tests__/e2e_full_withAuth)'",
"workers": "nodemon --exec ts-node src/services/queue-worker.ts",
"worker:production": "node dist/src/services/queue-worker.js",
"mongo-docker": "docker run -d -p 2717:27017 -v ./mongo-data:/data/db --name mongodb mongo:latest",
"mongo-docker-console": "docker exec -it mongodb mongosh",
"run-example": "npx ts-node src/example.ts",
"deploy:fly": "flyctl deploy --build-secret SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN=$(dotenv -p SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN) --depot=false",
"deploy:fly:staging": "fly deploy -c fly.staging.toml --depot=false",
"sentry:sourcemaps": "sentry-cli sourcemaps inject --org caleb-peffer --project firecrawl-scraper-js ./dist && sentry-cli sourcemaps upload --org caleb-peffer --project firecrawl-scraper-js ./dist"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
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