import { NextResponse, type NextRequest } from "next/server"; import { createClient } from "@/utils/supabase/middleware"; import { match } from "@formatjs/intl-localematcher"; import Negotiator from "negotiator"; let locales = ["en", "zh-CN"]; function getLocale(request: NextRequest) { // 从请求中获取`Accept-Language`头 const headers = { "accept-language": request.headers.get("accept-language") || undefined, }; // 使用`Negotiator`根据`Accept-Language`头获取优先语言列表 const languages = new Negotiator({ headers }).languages(); // 定义默认语言 let defaultLocale = "en"; // 使用`match`函数匹配最合适的语言 return match(languages, locales, defaultLocale); } export async function middleware(request: NextRequest) { // Check if there is any supported locale in the pathname const { pathname } = request.nextUrl; const pathnameHasLocale = locales.some( (locale) => pathname.startsWith(`/${locale}/`) || pathname === `/${locale}` ); try { // This `try/catch` block is only here for the interactive tutorial. // Feel free to remove once you have Supabase connected. const { supabase, response } = createClient(request); // 如果URL中已经包含地区代码,则刷新会话 // Refresh session if expired - required for Server Components // if (pathnameHasLocale) { await supabase.auth.getSession(); return response; } // 如果没有地区代码,则重定向到包含首选地区的URL if (!pathnameHasLocale) { const locale = getLocale(request); request.nextUrl.pathname = `/${locale}${pathname}`; // e.g. incoming request is /products // The new URL is now /en-US/products return NextResponse.redirect(request.nextUrl); } } catch (e) { // If you are here, a Supabase client could not be created! // This is likely because you have not set up environment variables. // Check out http://localhost:3000 for Next Steps. return{ request: { headers: request.headers, }, }); } } export const config = { matcher: [ /* * Match all request paths except for the ones starting with: * - _next/static (static files) * - _next/image (image optimization files) * - favicon.ico (favicon file) * Feel free to modify this pattern to include more paths. */ "/((?!_next/static|_next/image|favicon.ico|twitter-image.png|opengraph-image.png|manifest.json|site.webmanifest|favicon-32x32.png|favicon-16x16.png|apple-touch-icon.png|android-chrome-512x512.png|android-chrome-192x192.png|service-worker.js|serviceregister.js|global.css|sitemap.xml|robots.txt|api/oauth/callback).*)", ], };